Foundation Stage
Autumn Term 2024
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Welcome back to the second half of our Summer term. We will be learning about holidays this half term.
Help Needed
In order to help bring our topic alive, we are looking for a grandparent/ great grandparent or family friend to come in and speak to the children about their experiences of holidays when they were a child. If you know anybody who would be happy and willing to do this, please let us know. If they also had any photos or souvenirs/ artefacts that would be amazing!
Please send your child in with a selection of holiday photos, as soon as possible. Maybe one from when they were a baby, toddler and now. This is so we can create our own history holiday timetable.
Resources needed
Shoe boxes
Empty clean water bottles
Dawlish Warren Trip: Thursday 20th June
We will be going on a nature walk, making beach art and hopefully having a paddle! All weather dependent! In order to not have any costs attached to this trip, we are asking parents to make own way to and from the beach, where possible,please car share? If this is a problem for anybody please, let us know as soon as possible. We will need some parent helpers, please let us know if you are able to help.
Sports Day: Friday 21st June
Film and Pizza Night Tuesday 9th July 3.30-5.00
As a congratulations for the progress and effort the children have put into their reading and phonics this year, we would like to invite them to a film and pizza night. Please let us know if your child has any allergies or dietary requirements. We will be cooking cheese and tomato pizza and having popcorn.
EYFS End of Year Celebration Thursday 11th July 1:30- 3:30pm
Come and join us for an afternoon of fun and silliness. We will be having a party with games and a water fight. Parents/ Adults versus Children!!!! We would love you to come and spend the afternoon with us, playing, showing off their work, dancing and having fun, in order to mark the end of their time as Foundation Stage children.
At the end of the afternoon, those who want to can join in a water fight. Please can your child and yourselves bring in the following:
- Spare clothes or toweling robe to go home in
- Towel
- Water pistols/ guns/ aqua blasters etc
The water fight will be optional, any child who doesn’t want to join in, will be able to stay in the classroom and can play or they can come and watch.
Nearer the date, we will ask each child to bring in a party food snack.
We will continue to send home a book to learn on a Friday and an ebook will be allocated also. Speedy green words will also be sent home.
Please continue to bring in a water bottle on a Monday and fruit every day.
We are very much looking forward to an exciting busy half term, as always any questions, queries or concerns please let us know.
As always Thank you for all your support
Best Wishes
The EYFS team
Ticket to ride
Foundation Stage
Summer 1st half 2024
Welcome back to our final term of the year!! We hope you’ve all had a lovely break. We have lots of fun things planned to help us learn this half term. Here is our topic information – we hope it gives you an idea of the things we’ll be doing and learning about over the coming weeks.
If you have any transport related toys (especially aeroplanes, boats or trains), Class 1 would love them!! Thanks.
We are currently making arrangements for upcoming trips and will be in touch with further details when they are available.
A few reminders:
Please name all items brought into school, we have had a lot of lost jumpers/ cardigans etc. Please remember to send your child to school with a named water bottle and a fruit snack.
Can we also ask that you please check your children are not bringing in their own toys/valuables etc from home as we have had instances already of children swapping items with each other, which we would like to avoid so your help with preventing them from bringing items from home in the first instance would be much appreciated. Also, please no sunglasses as these cannot be worn in the playground due to risk of accidents. Hats are of course fine though.
Ideally for Foundation Stage children, sharing a book for around 5 – 10 minutes every day helps greatly with progress towards becoming a reader. If you and your child have any energy left at the end of a busy day to read together that would be wonderful! I will continue to load ebooks onto your child’s Oxford Owl account, the log in’s for this are in the front of the reading diaries.
Please pop in to see us if you have any questions.
Mrs Edwards and Mrs Garner