School Improvement Plan
Whole School Priorities For 2022/2023
● To implement and embed strategies to support the positive emotional and mental wellbeing of all members of the school community
● To develop a structured CPD programme tailored around the WalkThrus programme to improve consistency in the quality of teaching and learning
● To develop a whole-school approach to embedding Oracy across the curriculum and improve opportunities for pupil voice
● To identify gaps in learning for all pupils, refine the curriculum to address these gaps, and provide targeted support in key areas for identified groups of pupils
● Continue to upskill subject leaders to enable them to drive curriculum improvements and monitor progress effectively
● Embed key initiatives to support the quality of Reading, to include Early Reading provision
● To continue to develop the curriculum, to ensure intent is understood by all stakeholders, the implementation is reviewed, and the impact is measured
● Build the effectiveness of governors within the new structure
● Improve the outside areas to enhance the learning environment for pupils, specifically in KS1 and EYFS