Our Pupil Premium Statement for 2024 – 2025:
Use of the Pupil Premium and plans for this academic year – 2023-2024
As you may be aware, the Government provides additional funding for children who are in receipt of free school meals, Looked After Children who have been looked after by the Local Authority continuously for more than six months or children of Service Personnel. These groups have been identified since research shows that nationally, children in these categories, do significantly less well than other similar students so the funding is designed to bridge the gap. At Kenton Primary we already have excellent personalised provision and so children in these categories achieve in line with, or above, similar students nationally.
This additional funding is called the Pupil Premium and is ring-fenced from the school’s general budget as a separate budget allocated on the basis of the number of children who qualify for Pupil Premium assistance. For all such children, the school will receive approximately £16,550 in total overall for 2023-2024.
The Government has asked every school to make it clear where this money is being spent and the impact it is having on young people eligible for the Pupil Premium. In order for us to do this, we are launching our Pupil Premium Guarantee. This guarantee will use the Pupil Premium to enhance and extend our current provision to make sure that children, whose parents or carers are on lower incomes, are not disadvantaged in any way.
Pupil Premium Guarantee
Our Guarantee for every qualifying child will include:
- Guaranteed access to interventions such as Teaching Assistant support, enrichment events and activities, according to individual need.
- Guaranteed access, where required, to 1:1 support or small group work for English and/or Maths, Speech and Language support and fine and gross motor groups.
- All students eligible for Pupil Premium will receive coordinated support via our Pupil Premium Strategy.
Applying for Free School Meals
If you feel you could be eligible for free school meals, it is very simple to apply and takes moments to do and as well as all the benefits listed above, you will receive £418 worth of fantastic lunches. Simply telephone Devon County Council on 0845 155 1019 and give your National Insurance number and your child’s date of birth. You will be told immediately if you are eligible and the next steps in the process. We are not allowed to telephone on behalf of the parent or carer – it has to be done in person.
Our commitment to every child
Please rest assured that although the school is investing in this provision, no child will be allowed to fall behind and not achieve their potential. All children are consistently monitored and if anyone is under-performing, they will also get the benefits listed above to improve their performance. The additional money has allowed the school to add extra capacity to work that we are already doing so that we can help more students.