Autumn term 2014 – first half – All about me!
Class 1 have had a busy first half term in school – settling in, getting to know each other and learning lots whilst having fun.
Scroll down and have a look at just a few of the things we’ve been up to!
We explored our senses. We went on listening walks and found out about our sense of smell and taste too. We wore blindfolds and had to make extra special use of our sense of smell and taste!
We have been learning lots about counting and numbers.
We worked together to water the flower tubs.
We have been developing muscles in our arms and improving our arm and hand movements by doing things such as sweeping, painting and weaving. This will help us control our writing better too!
We love PE!
And we love to dance!
We have been playing in our Spaceship Shop, Mud pie Kitchen and Doctor’s Surgery.
We found out about Harvest and made our own scarecrow! We sang lots of Harvest songs and thanked God for the food we eat.
Please have a look at what we have been up to in Class 1 in our photo slideshow below.
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