Maths Intent
Kenn Maths Curriculum Design Document
Here at Kenn CE Primary School, we take a maths mastery approach to teaching and learning mathematics. This means that maths lessons are taught as a whole year group with a ‘back and forth’ interaction between teacher and pupils; all the children work on the same maths with the aim of a deep understanding for all. Each lesson consists of small steps of learning; there will also be questioning, demonstration, short tasks, peer to peer maths chat, pupils feeding back using whole sentences with specific mathematical vocabulary, repetition of stem sentences and the use of manipulatives to model structure.
We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression starting in EYFS, centred around the EYFS Statutory Framework and Development Matters (2020). Our EYFS and Years 1-6 maths progressions are, by necessity, organised into apparently distinct domains, but pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.
We believe that all children can be successful in the study of mathematics. Our intent is for every child to gain mastery of the primary maths curriculum and for children to become confident, resilient mathematicians; well equipped to become successful in their future adventures. We aim to prepare them for a successful working life.
Staff ensure teaching promotes a growth mindset and enables all children to achieve in and enjoy mathematics.
Formative assessment takes place in every lesson and is an integral component to our mastery approach. Staff utilise carefully crafted questions to assess and challenge our children. Prerequisite and summative assessments take place at key points in the year within our school’s monitoring and evaluating cycle. Staff use Target Tracker to ensure all maths objectives are being covered.
Maths Implementation
Learning is coherently sequenced in order for children to progress through their mathematical journey.
Our mastery approach ensures that children spend far longer on fewer key mathematical concepts whilst working at greater depth. We have a creative and flexible approach to teaching mathematics which may change each academic year depending on class set up, year groups and teacher skill. This year, the school morning has been organized so that only one year group will be in the classroom for their mastery maths lesson.
The large majority of children progress through the curriculum at the same pace. However, we do adapt these plans to suit the needs of our individual children and year groups (including SEND and more able). Interventions, pre and post teaching ensure children are equipped to make the most of class teaching. Power Maths, White Rose and Nrich resources are used to support maths teaching. DfE/Ncetm KS1 and 2 Ready to Progress Criteria are mostly used to assess and inform planning.
Maths lessons are taught regularly, according to the needs of their year group. Formative assessment plays an important role in ensuring that all children are exposed to the right level of mathematics, with opportunities to go ‘deeper’ into a concept for those who have grasped the initial structure of a concept, including by use of questioning to probe deeper understanding.
We create a vocabulary rich environment, where talk for maths is a key learning tool for all pupils and gives them the confidence to explain mathematically.
Staff provide opportunities for our pupils to develop a deepened understanding for mathematics, to become fluent with the fundamentals of mathematics, to reason mathematically (often using concrete objects) and to solve problems. Maths is taught across the curriculum ensuring that skills taught in these lessons are applied in other subjects and real life opportunities such as role play, the Virgin Money Challenge and school fundraising events.
As a staff, we continuously strive to better ourselves and frequently share ideas and strategies that have been particularly effective. We ensure staff have a secure understanding of maths mastery teaching through continued professional development opportunities.
Staff ensure teaching promotes a growth mindset and enables all children to achieve in and enjoy mathematics.
Formative assessment takes place in every lesson and is an integral component to our mastery approach. Staff utilise carefully crafted questions to assess and challenge our children. Prerequisite and summative assessments take place at key points in the year within our school’s monitoring and evaluating cycle. Staff use Target Tracker to ensure all maths objectives are being covered.
Maths Impact
Pupils have a curiosity and a ‘can do’ attitude to achieve and enjoy mathematics.
Children show confidence and believe they can learn about a new maths area and apply the knowledge and skills they already have.
Knowledge and skills – Pupils know how and why maths is used in the outside world and in the workplace. They know about different ways that maths can be used to support their future potential.
Mathematical concepts or skills are mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.
Our pupils are able to show mastery; that they really understand a mathematical concept, idea or technique when they can:
- describe it in their own words
- represent it in a variety of ways (e.g. using concrete materials, pictures and symbols)
- explain it to someone else
- generalise
- make up their own examples (and non-examples) of it
- see connections between it and other facts and ideas
- recognise it in new situations and contexts
- make use of it in various ways, including in new situations
- demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures, including the recollection of times tables
Subject leaders monitor impact through conferencing with children. Through discussion and feedback with children, children talk enthusiastically about their maths lessons and speak about how they love learning about maths. They can articulate the context in which maths is being taught and relate this to real life purposes. Subject leaders also monitor through lesson observations, book scrutinies and data analysis.
Ultimately, we ask our children to be mathematical rather than to simply do mathematics.
SEND & Disadvantaged pupils
We plan to ensure that ALL children will develop a secure and deep understanding of the mathematics they are learning so that future mathematical learning is built on solid foundations. We encourage our children to have a positive mind-set and advocate that ALL children are able to succeed in mathematics, regardless of their prior attainment or starting point.
In embracing a mastery approach, we engage our children in reasoning and the development of mathematical thinking and plan to include:
- Coherent, carefully structured small learning steps
- Conceptual variation: the mathematical concept is presented in a variety of ways so children are able to discern the essential features.
- Multiple representations: a variety of manipulative and pictorial representations are used to explain the mathematical concept.
- Procedural variation: questions are chosen with care to demonstrate a particular concept, ensuring that calculations are more than simply finding an answer, but about understanding patterns and concepts too.
- Depth for all: every child in the lesson has the opportunity to apply their key learning through extension, application, reasoning or problem solving (or a combination).
- Scaffolding: support is available for those who need it (this could be by providing additional concrete resources; further peer or adult support where necessary; pre teaching/consolidation interventions).
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development though mathematics.
Spiritual development in Mathematics – The study of mathematics enables children to make sense of the world around them and we strive to enable each of our children to explore the connections between their mathematics skills and every-day life. Developing deep thinking and an ability to question the way in which the world works promotes the spiritual growth of children.
Moral development in Mathematics – The moral development of children is an important thread running through the mathematics curriculum. Children are provided with opportunities to use their maths skills in real life contexts, applying and exploring the skills required in solving various problems. All children are made aware of the fact that the choices they make lead to various consequences. They must then make a choice that relates to the result they are looking for. The logical aspect of this relates strongly to the right/wrong responses in mathematics.
Social development in Mathematics – Problem solving skills and teamwork are fundamental to mathematics through creative thinking, discussion, explaining and presenting ideas. Children are always encouraged to explain concepts to each other and support each other in their learning. In this manner, children realise their own strengths and feel a sense of achievement, which often boosts confidence. Over time, they become more independent and resilient learners.
Cultural development in Mathematics – Mathematics is a universal language with a myriad of cultural inputs throughout the ages. Various approaches to mathematics from around the world are used and this provides an opportunity to discuss their origins when appropriate.
Year 1-6 Curriculum Map (yearly overviews) 2022-23
Mastering Number curriculum map (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) 2022-23
Mastering Number.
Children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 follow the Mastering number programme by NCTEM to develop their understanding and knowledge of how numbers are made up. This is taught alongside the KS1 mastery programme materials.
Mastering Number: Overview of content – Reception
EYFS children also follow the adventures of block characters in Numberland, with the number of blocks determining which numeral they embody. A black floating number, called a Numberling, appears above their heads to show how many blocks they are made of.
Kenn C of E Primary School Progression maps
The progression of calculations
One of our school priorities has been to develop children’s skills in the four areas of calculation. A great deal of work has been undertaken in conjunction with other local schools, in developing the way we approach the teaching of calculation strategies and the images we want the children to have. The intended outcome of this work is:
- to see children with a wider range of strategies to aid their calculation skills
- for children to have concrete understanding of concepts and what number means before being rushed onto more formal methodology before they are ready
- for children to have strong models and images and rely less upon abstract concepts
- for all sectors of the school community to have the same appreciation of this approach.
For adults this can be tricky as often we only really know what we were taught at school and therefore there can be a conflict of opinion when supporting our children and they are insistent that your way is not their way. With that in mind we have produced a very brief summary of the route through each of the four operations which we hope will go some way to addressing this issue.
Progression Maps: