This half term Class 1 have been doing a lot of learning around the story of Noah’s Ark.
We painted an amazing Ark and drew pairs of animals to go on it.
We have been doing lots of counting in 2’s and have been helping Noah work out how many animals he has altogether. We interviewed Noah and asked him lots of questions. We have also been thinking about the promise God made to us, talked about what promises are and thought of promises we have made to others. We painted rainbows and added our rainbow promises to them.
We also made moving pictures using split pins – our Arks rock and sway from side to side on the waves!
With the weather being so stormy at the moment and with there being a pretty big flood in the story of Noah, we have been finding out about weather, We have our very own weather centre and make up weather forecasts. What weather would you like it to be today?!