Language development is the key to success in many areas of learning. Each day, all children learn the skills of reading, writing and oracy for a range of purposes on paper and using a range of IT.
Children are taught to read with accuracy, fluency and understanding, using a variety of approaches including word recognition and grammatical/context clues. The teaching of phonics is however the primary methodology. In addition to word reading, the children learn comprehension skills and are encouraged to read across both fiction and non-fiction for pleasure.
Speaking and Listening
‘Talk for writing’ and drama are powerful tools. Children learn to express their ideas and opinions with widening vocabulary, clarity and confidence, and to listen, question and respond, and respect the views of others.
Children are taught to write confidently and fluently, using Standard English, for a variety of purposes. They learn to develop proficiency in spelling, punctuation and grammar. We encourage children to develop a fluent cursive style in handwriting from an early age and attempt their own spellings using their grapheme/phoneme knowledge and other spelling strategies and rules.
Parent video: Introduction to Daily Read Write Inc. Phonics Lessons