Executive Headteacher: Lorraine Curry
Head of School: Joe Baxter
Chair of Governors: Nick Tallamy | nick.tallamy@ivyeducationtrust.co.uk
SENCO: Lorraine Bestwick | Lorraine.bestwick@kennschool.co.uk
Write to us at:
Kenn C of E Primary School
Tel: 01392 832347
Email: admin@kennschool.co.uk
Gates open at 8.40am, Register at 8.55am, End of school day is 3.30pm.
Total hours in a week – 32 hours and 55 minutes.
Please request paper copies of any documents linked to the school via our school office by phoning us on 013920832347 or emailing admin at admin@kennschool.co.uk
Kenn Primary School is a proud member of Ivy Education Trust.
Registered in England & Wales, Company Number 07519888
Telephone: 01626 870317
Registered Office: Ivy Education Trust, Exeter Road, TQ14 9HZ