Class 1 enjoyed welcoming a visitor from the British Red Cross.
We learnt about the importance of cleaning a wound before putting a plaster or a dressing on it.
‘If we cut ourselves we have to wash it first so that no germs get into our body. Then we can put a plaster on it.’
‘You have to wash it to get all the dirt out.’
‘The good stuff has to fight the bad stuff.’
We really enjoyed learning how to put a plaster on and not to touch the bit in the middle which has to stay clean. We had lots of practice putting plasters on our puppets and dolls. This was also fantastic practice for our fine motor skills!
We were particularly interested to find out what to do if we hurt our eye;
‘You mustn’t rub it or it will get sore.’
We learnt about a special bandage called an eye pad and had lots of fun trying to put them on.