Kenn Church of England Primary School is a Voluntary Controlled Church School.
This means that at Kenn, we have a strong Christian ethos, which includes a Christian Vision and set of Christian Values, We use these vision and values to help guide the adults and children in school with their emotional, social and spiritual development. We believe that this approach helps us create a happy, safe and friendly environment at school.
Please see our most recent SIAMS inspection report:
Kenn C of E Primary Collective Worship
Our School Vision: Sowing Kindness, Courage and Faith so that all can Flourish
Our Intention and Implementation of Collective Worship at Kenn
- Collective worship is more than ‘just a statutory requirement,’ or ‘another thing I have to do.’ Worship has the potential to set the tone for our whole day and is a key driver for delivering messages of Kindness, Courage and Faith.
- The majority of our Collective Worship happens in the school hall, where routines and procedures are established, and children know and understand how to act.
- We us a Relational Approach to worship – our relationships with God, with our environment, with ourselves and with one another.
- Let the children lead. Younger children always want to get involved and their responsibilities will be small in comparison with the capabilities of older children. Younger children participate by leading the gathering, choosing artefacts for the focal point or reading a prayer standing at the front. Older children should be able to plan acts of worship from Bible stories or themes. From our Christian Ethos group, we have a rota of older children who lead prayer based on our values and from Bible Stories.
- There is the opportunity to worship God. Worship is an attitude of the heart focused on God. In our school situation, this will involve leading people to the threshold of worship by providing a setting where they may worship God if they so wish. As a school, we are used to filling every moment, but are not be afraid to leave empty spaces and silence for children to meet and experience God should they want to.
- Collective worship is inclusive, inspirational and invitational no matter where it is held or who is leading.
- Inclusive: something for children and teachers, of all faiths or of none to be able to join in with.
- Inspirational: a time in the day to think about the big questions in our lives; an occasion that supports the school community’s spiritual development.
- Invitational: an opportunity for those of any religious faith or none to focus and reflect on stimuli which allow the human spirit to respond with integrity.
- The main elements of G-E-R-S (gather – engage – respond – send) should be present in each of act of worship. This will help children to understand the Anglican structure of worship and it also really helps to have a structure to follow each day.
- There is a focus on Biblical or Christian content in each worship session. This content is explored and made relevant to life today.
Collective worship provides a setting in which the integrity of those present is not compromised but in which everyone finds something positive for themselves.
Notes on using the collective worship plans
Structure for the week:
Monday | Singing Assembly. Collective worship linked to the current value. Following the gathering, children will sing a range of songs with a Christian message, link or value attached.
Tuesday | Collective worship with Christian content linked to the value. Either led by ICE Assemblies (with images, video content, puppets etc) or led by the Values Group (children), with content linked to a current school theme or topic. Again, this will be linked to the Christian Values and our Christian Vision statement. |
Wednesday | On a Wednesday, the school follows the ‘Roots and Shoots’ Collective Worship scheme. Teachers take turns to deliver the scheme with reference to the current focus value and our Christian Vision. Children have opportunities to respond with their thoughts, ideas and questions. |
Thursday | Father John Williams from St Andrew’s Church, Kenn, visits the school for Collective Worship on a Thursday. The gathering is led by Mr Baxter, with Father John delivering content based on themes linked to the Christian Calendar, and with reference to our Christian Values and Christian Vision. |
Friday | We alternate between a focus on celebration and Spirituality/mental health. Mr Baxter leads the celebration of behaviour and learning, with Christian medals/Prayer coins given as rewards. Mrs Garner leads to focus on Mental Health and spirituality. Again, this will have a reference to our Christian Values and Christian Vision. |
- We focus on the quality of the time rather than the quantity. What is important is that you use the time you have wisely and that worship contributes to a child’s education as well as allowing an opportunity to learn about and meet with God.
- Find creative ways to make reference to the school’s unique context and vision.
- The sending should be developed to give children something to think about or put into action over the course of the day.
- These resources have drawn on the Values assemblies guidance available at–action/faith–home/i–am–school–leader
‘Sowing Kindness, Courage and Faith so that all can Flourish’
Matthew 13 1 – 9 ‘The seeds planted in God’s good ground became strong and tall’.
Matthew 13 1 – 9 (NIV), 13 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. 2 Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. 3 Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.”
In these verses we are directed to hold on to the hope we have in Christ in different ways. We are shown that we are all given the gift of choice and free will. With this, we can choose to be kind, courageous and faithful. These ‘seeds’, if planted in good ground, will multiply and acts of goodness will spread from person to person, like fruit growing on a health tree. We are also taught that if we choose not to show these values, nothing will flourish and bloom. There will be no fruits of goodness to share and enjoy. Finally, we are taught to be true to ourselves and those around us. We must act honestly and faithfully towards our beliefs, whether they are Christian or otherwise.
Our school values support our vision
- Kindness through developing bonds across the school community as we work and play and care for each other. John 15:13 The greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his friends.
- Kindness through all our interactions with each other. Colossians 3:12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
- Courage by taking ownership of our actions, respecting others and seeking to repair any wrongs we have made. Ephesians 4:25 Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbour, for we are members one of another.
- Faith because we understand that we all make mistakes. Matthew 18:22” How often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” “No!” Jesus replied, “seventy times seven!
- Faith by valuing every individual for their uniqueness celebrating similarities and differences and all that they bring to our school community. 1 Peter 2:16 Show respect for everyone.
Collective Worship: Our school is distinctive in character as a Church of England Primary School. Collective Worship emphasises the Christian way of life. A daily act of worship is led by the Head of School, teachers, our vicar and visitors, such as the ICE team. A daily prayer or reflection and teaching from the Bible is included in this time. The ICE Team follow the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning structure in their worship.–
RE at Kenn: Religious Education (RE) lessons take place on a weekly basis at Kenn, although the Christian nature of the school means that the subject is also woven into other topic areas and is clearly evident in the life and ethos of each day. To find our more about RE at Kenn School please click on the links below
Further information on Church of England schools in the Exeter Diocese can be found at The Junior Church, which is part of St Martins Church, Exminster, meet every 3rd Sunday of the month at Exminster Primary School from 9.45-11am.
Our local Parish Church (St Andrews, Kenn) now has it own website. Details about local services and events can be found at