Dear Parents and guardians, we hope you had a lovely summer break. The children have had an amazing few days so far this term, settling into class 3 and familiarising themselves with our routines, timetables and old friends. We are certain they are going to have a fantastic term! Please find enclosed the curriculum map for Autumn term 2024. Our topic this term is “Raiders & Traders”. We will be learning all about the Vikings! Next term we will be shifting our attention to our “Out of Africa” unit.
Homework– the children should have received their half term’s homework in their homework book. There will be spellings to practise using some suggested activities – please ensure your child shows evidence of this in their homework book. If you or your child would like additional spellings homework, they have a spelling shed login where they can practise each week’s spellings using online games. There is no official maths homework, however, each child has a MyMaths login allowing them to access the Y3 and Y4 boosters in the practice section of My Maths. These are very useful for revision of areas your child may be struggling with. In addition there will be a quest linked to our topic which will be broken down into small chunks. This quest is optional. The statutory times tables test for year 4 will take place in June next year and times tables practice can be done on Times Tables Rockstars and Hit the Button or you can try practising using a similar timed format to the actual tests using this link:
Please could your child bring their homework book back to school by Wednesday when there will be an opportunity to share their homework with an adult at school. We will then send the books home again on Wednesday night.
Reading – please continue to hear your child read. It makes such a difference to their reading in all curriculum areas if they are heard at home regularly. The children have reading record books and when your child has collected five signatures, they will receive a golden ticket which will be entered into a weekly draw where two pupils will have the chance to win 15 minutes of golden time. Please send your child’s reading book, reading record and a water bottle in every day.
P.E for this term will be on Thursday and Friday and the children will have a dance lesson on Thursdays after half term.
We are really looking forward to working with all your children this year!
Best wishes
The Class 3 team