Welcome back everybody; we hope you all had a good half term break.
This half term we will be encouraging the children to think about the type of things they celebrate – such as birthdays and Christmas – and importantly, why!
Through topic work we will be learning about why Christmas is important to Christians. We will also be finding out about Diwali and why it is important to Hindus. Please see the Celebrations topic web for more information about what we’re planning to get up to.
Then, towards the end of term you will be stunned to hear we will be throwing ourselves into Christmas – prepare yourselves for glitter-covered children coming home!
If you have any stories about birthdays, Diwali and Christmas.. We would love to share those with all the children.
A few reminders:
- PE kits need to be left in school. Keep a spare pair of pants/tights in PE bags if you think it necessary.
- Please remember to send your child to school with a named water bottle on a Monday and a fruit snack everyday.
- Do remember to label all uniform.
- Mrs Edwards will be in Class 1 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings.
- Mrs Garner will be in Class 1 every Thursday and Friday.
- Mrs Hamer will be in Class 1 to support us everyday.
- Please pop in to see us if you have any questions.
Verity Edwards and Rachel Garner