Year 3 and 4 from Kenn and Kenton had an epic trip to the Roman Bath’s in Bath.
We had two sessions, one where we explored the Baths using handsets that gave us lots if interesting information. The other session was in a classroom where we had three activities, we had to use our mathematical skills to spend some Roman money to buy items we would need for the bathhouse, we also investigated Roman artifacts and took time to draw something that we could see from the window looking out onto the big bath outside.
‘We learnt so much about what the Romans used to do when the Romans used to do when they came to the Baths.’
‘I was really surprised at the amount of facts I learned about the Baths.’
‘I loved walking where the Romans once walked 2000 years ago.’
‘I can’t find words to describe it, it was amazing, absolutely extraordinary’
We also had lunch in a beautiful park next to the river which had some really big Carp in.
Despite a very long journey home lots of children said it was ‘the best trip ever!’