The Governors would like to congratulate Kenn school on its recent highly successful Ofsted inspection visit. The staff and pupils gave the Inspector a really memorable time with great lessons and extra- curricular, community activities. He was delighted with being able to meet so many people, including governors, all giving the same message – that Kenn is a very good school with a strong, positive outlook and a desire for excellence in all areas.
Ofsted Inspections are now conducted under what is known as ‘the new framework’, which has far more stringent criteria than previously. The grade boundaries have been redrawn and the grade descriptors, as shown in the report, are very precise. It is therefore particularly pleasing that there is so much positive vocabulary throughout this report.
Given that over the last few months the school has undergone a major re-structure, the Ofsted outcome is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all involved. In addition, the few development points outlined were already in the School Development Plan, with staff and governors continuously working together to address them.
We hope you agree that we have a great platform to build on for the children in our care.
Yours sincerely,
Jan Caig
Chair of Governors