New Logo and New School Christian Values and Vision.
Kenn Primary School have been working on developing a new set of Christian Values and Vision for our school. Following ideas and input from children, parents, governors and our Ethos group, we have decided to base our Vision on the Parable of the Sower, and the Vision is
‘Sowing kindness, courage and faith so that all can flourish.’
Our Christian Values will be Kindness, Courage and Faith.
We have had a visit from the wonderful artist Helen Plant, who helped the children create beautiful works of art to display the Vision and Values, which will go up in our hall.
Part of our project included creating a new logo, which linked in with the theme of growth and flourishing. The logo has been sent off to Thomas Moore , and they will be adding it to our uniform items as the older design sells out. Please don’t worry – there is no need to replace old uniform until it wears out or doesn’t fit anymore.